Inspired by mountains.
MTN GRL Studio is owned by Zarabeth Duell, who’s creativity is inspired by the natural world of Vermont. Vermont highest peaks with krumholtz trees and endangered alpine plants, babbling streams with year round ice cold water, little hollows with glimpses of Green Mountains rising beyond, and pastoral landscapes dotted with Vermont’s characteristic red barn collectively provide the spark for Zarabeth’s artwork.
Growing up in Vermont, many of Zarabeth’s childhood memories were woven around camping, hiking, and spending time outside. When inside she had ample access to a wealth of different craft materials, and developed a creativity that extended across various materials.
Zarabeth worked as an engineer, designing structures all over Vermont for 15 years before making the switch to doing art full time in December of 2017. Still drawn to a multitude of mediums, her goal is always to capture the essence of Vermont. In addition to her art, Zarabeth loves to organize events, create art and floral installations, and in the coming months - offer tutorials and workshops that empower others to be creative.
Zarabeth and her husband settled in Lincoln, nestled up close to Mount Abraham and always cold, mountain streams. In raising their two kids, they have tried to impart the same love and curiosity of the natural world of Vermont, by taking them hiking, camping, and spending time exploring all that Vermont has to offer.